Transactions status, transaction declined, card binding, payment error
16 articles
What does the transaction status display as Authorized, Declined, and Cleared mean?
What does the transaction status "Reversal" mean? How can I check it?
Why is the settlement amount notified by the App different from the actual transaction amount after successful payment?
Where can the RedotPay card be used?
My transaction was declined by the merchant, but there is no transaction record in the RedotPay app. What should I do?
Does the RedotPay card support fiat currency transfers?
What should I do if I fail to link my card on websites like Apple Pay, PayPal, Google Pay, or Facebook?
What is the reference standard for the exchange rate of cryptocurrency to the US dollar during transactions?
I found that money has been deducted from my account, but I haven't made any transactions.
Why am I receiving an error message when trying to make a payment on AliExpress?
Why do I receive an error message when trying to make a payment on Google Play? Error code: OR-HDT-16.
Why is money still deducted even though the transaction is declined?
What should I do if an error occurs on the RedotPay payment page?
What should I do if I fail to make a payment or make a transaction on a website (not RedotPay)?
My card is compatible with Apple Pay in certain countries, but not in other countries.
I was rejected while using Redotpay cards to recharge game coins.