1-If the account is not logged in, users need to open the login page, enter the mobile phone/email address bound to the account, and reset the password.
Users can find the login portal on their wallet or account page.
Click on Register/Login - enter email/phone number - Next - Forgot Password - Next - select verification option - enter new login password after completing verification.
After entering the new password, the user will need to confirm it again. Once confirmed, submit the changes. Please note the correct password format is:
① 8-32 characters
② At least one English uppercase letter
③ At least one lowercase letter
③ At least one number
Friendly Reminder: To ensure the security of your funds, after changing your password, the withdrawal, internal transfer and asset convert functions will be disabled for the next 24 hours. Additionally, each card transaction will be limited to 1,000 $ during this period.
2- If your account is still logged in, you will need to log out first, and then reset your password on the login page.
Open RedotPay App, go to Account - Settings - Logout.
After logging out, Users can find the login portal on their wallet or account page.
Click on Register/Login - enter email/phone number - Next - Forgot Password - Next - select verification option - enter new login password after completing verification.
After entering the new password, the customer will need to confirm it again. Once confirmed, submit the changes. Please note the correct password format is:
① 8-32 characters
② At least one English uppercase letter
③ At least one lowercase letter
③ At least one number
Friendly Reminder: To ensure the security of your funds, after changing your password, the withdrawal, internal transfer and convert functions will be disabled for the next 24 hours. Additionally, each card transaction will be limited to 1,000 $ during this period.