


  1. ATM取现失败但资金已被扣除:如果用户试图使用RedotPay的实体卡在ATM机上取款,但是没有取到现金,但是RedotPay账户资金被扣除,且银行不提供退款。

  2. 商家不退款:如果用户因为被欺诈(如商家未履行服务、没有发货或者没有提供约定的服务等)而产生了扣款,商家不提供退款。



  1. Chargeback申请的时间限制:一旦交易完成,用户需要在60天内(从交易清算时间开始计算)向RedotPay提交Chargeback申请。超过这个时间窗口将无法申请Chargeback。

  2. Chargeback费用:每笔Chargeback申请费用是50美元。

  3. 提交交易信息:在申请Chargeback时,需要用户提供关于交易的详细信息。提供详尽和准确的信息将有助于提高申请的成功率。

  4. 处理时间:每笔请求的处理时间通常为3-6个月,如有特殊情况,时间会有延长。

  5. 成功率:RedotPay并不能保证每笔Chargeback请求都会成功。

  6. 注意事项:Chargeback提交后不支持撤销,Chargeback费用不支持退回。

  7. 不可以申请Chargeback的交易类型:

    ● 3DS 交易:对于通过 OTP/认证应用程序(3D Secure)验证的交易,无法提交退款请求。建议您在完成任何 3DS 交易之前,验证商家的合法性和购买详情的准确性。

    ● EMV 交易:对于通过 EMV 芯片卡、Apple Pay 或 Google Pay 进行的交易,无法提交退款请求。这些是使用 EMV 芯片技术处理的安全交易,一旦验证通过即被视为最终交易。




1.Transaction Details:

- Transaction ID:

- Transaction date:

- Transaction amount:

- Bank name:

2. Cardholder Information:

- Cardholder registered email:

- Full name of the cardholder:

- Billing address:

3. Card Details:

- Card number (last 4 digits):

- Expiration date:

4. Dispute Reason:

- Provide a clear and detailed explanation of the reason for the dispute (e.g., unauthorized transaction, billing error, non-receipt of goods/services, etc.):

5. Supporting Documentation:

- Any evidence supporting the dispute claim (e.g., receipts, invoices, emails, shipping/tracking information, proof of cancellation, etc.):

6. Communication with Bank:

- Documentation of attempts to resolve the issue directly with the bank (e.g., emails, letters, chat logs, video, recording, etc.):

7. Statement or Transaction History:

- A copy of the card statement or transaction history showing the disputed transaction.

8. Police Report or Affidavit (if applicable):

9. Timeline of Events:

- A clear and chronological timeline of the events leading up to the dispute.



1. Transaction Details:

- Transaction ID:

- Transaction date:

- Transaction amount:

- Merchant name:

- Description of the goods or services purchased:

2. Cardholder Information:

- Cardholder registered email:

- Full name of the cardholder:

- Billing address:

3. Card Details:

- Card number (last 4 digits):

- Expiration date:

4. Dispute Reason:

- Provide a clear and detailed explanation of the reason for the dispute (e.g., unauthorized transaction, billing error, non-receipt of goods/services, etc.):

5. Supporting Documentation:

- Any evidence supporting the dispute claim (e.g., receipts, invoices, emails, shipping/tracking information, proof of cancellation, etc.):

6. Communication with Merchant:

- Documentation of attempts to resolve the issue directly with the bank (e.g., emails, letters, chat logs, video, recording, etc.):

7. Statement or Transaction History:

- A copy of the card statement or transaction history showing the disputed transaction.

8. Police Report or Affidavit (if applicable):

9. Timeline of Events:

- A clear and chronological timeline of the events leading up to the dispute.
